Sunday, September 30, 2007

My Second Daring Baker's Challenge, and I'm in Love

I can't express how pleased I was to see this month's challenge. Marce of Pip in the city was this months wonderful hostess and she choose the sticky bun/cinnamon roll recipe from Peter Reinhart's The Bread Baker's Apprentice: Mastering the Art of Extraordinary Bread, a book that I couldn't recommend more. Peter Reinhart was my breads teacher back in 1999, and the man really does an excellent job of sharing his techniques and love of all things yeasty.

Now I've procrastinated this challenge just about down to the last minute. We are all posting this on the 30th, and it is the 29th at 8:30 PM. I have just mixed up my dough, and expect to be shaping these babies in about 2 hours time. I've decided to go with the cinnamon roll version of these, as I've already posted some sticky buns here on my blog awhile back.

The complete recipe can be found on Marce's blog Pip in the city, as it's very late here and I should probably consider sleep sometime soon, I'm just going to go with photos of the process and some comments! So, here goes....

This is the dough just out of the mixer, the bowl is lightly oiled as is the dough. This is a very soft silky lovely to touch kind of dough. I love working with enriched doughs for their feel alone:

After 2 hours and 45 minutes of bulk rising time, the dough looked like this:
It's a bit hard to tell from the shot, but it had indeed doubled in size, It just doubled more out than up.

After the dough has doubled, it gets rolled out to about 12 by 14 inches (well, it did for me, as I was opting to make the larger rolls):
I then sprinkled (well, it's more like spread, this is a lot of cinnamon sugar) the cinnamon sugar mixture over the dough leaving about 1 inch free of sugar so that I could seal it up after I rolled it:
The dough is then rolled up into a nice long roulade and sliced into about 12 pieces(for the larger rolls):
The pieces are left to rise, covered, for about 1 1/2 more hours and are then baked for about 20 to 30 minutes:

The icing for the cinnamon rolls in this recipe makes quite a bit, so I think next time I would only make a half batch of it. I have quite a bit leftover and I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it currently. I've found the best way (aside from using my hands) to apply the icing is to dip a fork in it and wave it back and forth quickly over the warm rolls (they should only cool for about ten minutes before you apply the icing). You can make whatever kind of pattern you like with it. I'm a big fan of the crosshatch:

These are delicious cinnamon rolls with a really nice hint of lemon flavor that cuts the sweetness a bit. Best savored with a nice hot cup of tea!

You can see how all the other wonderful Daring Baker's did with their challenges by clicking on the Daring Baker Blogroll link on the right hand side of this blog!
Happy Daring Baking, and a big thanks to Marce for this wonderfully relaxing challenge! And now I'm off to bed...

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  1. They look yummy! Well done! I'm sitting here reading all DB posts while eating a sticky bun :-)

  2. Anonymous4:01 AM

    And we love you! Well done!!! Your buns are gorgeous (cinnamon and otherwise I'm sure!)


  3. Congrats on getting it done. Your buns look great.

  4. Wow Jen - your buns are amazing! Seriously the kind that I wish I could reach into my monitor and snag for my breakfast!

    Love your step by step photos too!

    Another absolutely beautiful job!


  5. Your buns are really good! I would love to have them!

  6. Lovely looking buns. Well done on a great challenge!

  7. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Wonderful work, Jen! Definitely last minute, but you even did step-by-step pics. And I have to agree with you, Reinhart is the best.

  8. Lovely photos, you did a great job!

  9. Everyone seems to have done really well with this challenge, your buns look terrific!

  10. You're not the only procrastinator... my dough is proofing in the oven now. With luck, I'll have cinnamon rolls by midnight. I hope they turn out *half* as yummy as yours look!

  11. Anonymous12:51 PM

    great job :)

  12. Hah! I'm 8 hours ahead of you now, so I can look all virtuous, like I actually hadn't awakened this morning & realized that it was the 30th!

    Your bread looks great, as always. :)

  13. Lovely, Lovely buns Jen!
    This did seem extra fun.

  14. Thank you everyone! My husband is weirded out by all this talk of my buns! :D

    Dagmar: I can't think of a better way to read Daring Baker posts :).

    Ivonne: Awww, *blushing*. Thank you, it's a great group to be a part of :D.

    KJ: thank you, I had a late start, but was very happy to make them.

    Lis: Thank you so very much :D.

    Thank you Ahn!

    Meeta: Thanks so much, it was a wonderful challenge, indeed.

    Marce: I'm not sure why I left it until the last minute like I did, but I really was a great choice for a challenge, thank you!

    Anne, thank you!

    I agree, Brilynn, it does look like everyone did wonderfully with these :D.

    Dolores: I can't wait to see yours! "what do we want? An end to procrastination! When do we want it? about sometime next week?" If only I could remember where that is from... I'm sure yours will be beautiful :).

    Thank you, Maryann

    Davimack: Ah, are now in the same time zone as my parent-in-laws, but they are a wee bit south of you. You have the great advantage of telling us all how the future will be :). Thanks so much for the compliment.

  15. Great job on this month's challenge. I am so jealous that Peter Reinhart was your bread instructor. His book is one of my staples!! Jen, we are so glad you are one of us!!!

  16. This recipe is definietly a keeper....great job with your buns.

  17. Great job! Love the pics...

  18. How cool is that he was your read teacher! Great buns dear! Glad to have you back posting! Congrats to another challenge done!

  19. Great photos, and perfect looking cinnamon buns! I think I am going to buy this book after reading several comments, yours included, of what a good bread making reference it is. :-)

  20. I was down to the last minute last month, but managed this one a little ahead of time. It looks like the time crunch didn't phase you at all, though - they look wonderful!

  21. How wonderful that you learned from Peter Reinhart himself! What a tribute your entry is. :)

  22. Anonymous5:32 PM

    We're in love too, Jen! With these gorgeous buns!

  23. Talk about rising to the occasion! Ha! Lovely buns, really.

  24. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I love it when I pull up a post and my drool response kicks in immediately - it's a good sign!
    Great buns!

  25. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Good job! Your buns look delicious.

  26. uch lovely buns :)

  27. mykitchen in half cups: Thanks so much! I will be making the rounds tomorrow and checking out more posts :)

    Breadchick: Thank you! Chef Peter was a great eye opener to me in the way of bread. Wonderful instructor :)

    Thank you, Peabody!

    Chris, thank you very much, I love to photograph the food things :)

    Helene: It was so very cool to have his as my teacher :D. Quite lucky, as I believe he went to Johnson and Wales shortley after my time at the CCA. I'm glad to be posting again, if not as often as before :). Thank you very much.

    Belinda: I think it's one of those baking books that everyone should have. The directions may be wordy, but in being so they are very helpful :D

    Thank you very much, Deborah :). I think this month I'll not leave it until the last minute (although I really am a terrible procrastinator).

    Jenny: Yes, it was a wonderful five weeks of learning from him! Thank you :D

    Thanks Ivonne! :D

    Heehee Julie, I think we all rose to the occasion!

    Gabi: and I love it when my posts can illicit the drool response! Thank you!

    Thank you very much, Lynn :)

    Anne: Thanks!

  28. How lucky you are to have been taught by Peter Reinhart! It explains your beautiful baking results.

  29. And a Very Happy Daring Bakers to You! Your buns turned out wonderfully, I love that last shot.

  30. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I love how they're so cinnamon-y! Beautiful results!

  31. They look great with all that cinnamon and sugar in them--it looks like it enhances the spiraling effect! Yum!

  32. I loved seeing the cinnamon slowly become gooey...this is a great post!

  33. Are you OK out there? Saw there was an earthquake, and then saw that you've not posted for a month... hope you're well.

  34. Davimack: Things here are fine. Just been very busy this last month. I haven't even baked anything for a month, that's just not right! We did feel the quake here. Our first since we moved here last year. It felt like the ground was rolling, our plants got a good shaking and our cats got a good scare. I was a bit shaken up, but we seem to be back to normal now today. Thank you for asking! I hope to be more in balance this month and get back to baking and posting and all that fun stuff :). Hope all is well in Scotland!

  35. Just fine - I'd seen your knitting go by on Flickr, is all, and realized that you didn't talk about it anywhere!

    Enjoy the earthquakes - you're a Californian now.

  36. mas k bom aspecto estes bolinhos.........que pena não consigo por o traductor.........bjokas

  37. hey there from singapore! update! can't wait to see what you bake next

  38. Seriously- Your blog was great! - But what happened??? I sure wish you would start updating it again, I loved to check it regularly... :(

  39. where oh where have you been?

  40. Well Jen, it has been great to view your blog, but I am disappointed to see you have disappeared into the void. Where are you??? You had a great blog, I hope at least that it has inspired others to do the same. I have decided to discontinue viewing it, and move onto green grass, thanks for the wonderful posts. Good luck with everything else!

    A once loyal viewer

  41. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Dearest Barmy Baker:

    I enjoy your daring baker blog entries. (I was wondering when you would join, since I've been a long time reader).

    But I really miss your regular postings. You're my favorite food blogger. Update please!


  42. Yes - I'll second the sentiment!

    I'm hoping that your baking is going well, not just your knitting!

  43. Akhter and Davimack and Chris: Thank you so much for your kind words. I hope to get my baking groove back soon! I've been busy with learning how to spin yarn and been knitting and I just fell into a rut of not baking I guess. I'm hoping to update sometime in the next month or so.

    Hope all is well with you, and thank you!


  44. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I’ll have to make a new rule for myself. Don’t come to your blog when I am hungry! Everything looks so delicious!
