Saturday, July 04, 2009

Summer Pudding Unmolded

In keeping with my promise of photos of the Summer Pudding after it's overnight chill, here you go!

The whole Pud:

Pudding innards:

I have to report that the Summer Pudding was as delicious and light as I had hoped it would be! The perfect berry ending to a wonderful Fourth of July. I garnished it with some unsweetened whipped heavy cream. Yum!

Happy Independence Day to those in the USA!


  1. oh that looks marvelous. i wonder if i should take up baking... hrm.

  2. Cake, berries, sugar.

    Boil, mash.

    Put in bowl, wait.

    I think I can handle it!! :D

  3. Funnily enough: they celebrate the 4th more over in Scotland than I would have expected - and for several days in advance (fireworks are surprisingly legal, in a country where guns aren't, but where it rains all the time and where everything's made out of sandstone). As to the pud ... well, they'd eat it, here, quite happily. Happy 4th, Scotland style? ;)

  4. Opal, it was sooo good. And you don't have to take up baking for this one!

    Go Christina Go! I hope yours turned out nice :D

    DaviMack: I must admit I'm surprised that they celebrate the 4th over there. I suppose maybe fireworks are legal because it rains so much (that's my weird logic...lots of rain=less chance of someone starting a huge fire)?

  5. It looks a little tough for a novice of my kind but I think I shall give it a shot!
