I think that whomever it was that introduced these two should stand up and take a bow. What a beautiful working relationship they have. The sweet strawberries compliment and balance the tart astringent rhubarb. The two are just perfect for each other.
Gram Danning's Fruit Kuchen: (makes one 9x9" square cake pan, or one 9" cake round)
1/4 cup sugar
2 Tbsp unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 egg
1/2 cup milk (or buttermilk, I am using buttermilk in mine)
1 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
cinnamon and sugar mix to cover the fruit
4 tbsp of butter to dot
-Heat oven to 350f.
-Cream together the butter and sugar, add the egg and mix to blend.
-Add the milk, flour, baking powder and salt and mix until just blended.
-Spread the mixture into a greased 9x9 inch cake pan (or cake round or I used a 9" tart pan) and top with the ripe fruit. Sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar over the top (can be generous or light with this, depends on the ripeness of the fruit....I used a bit more today because of the tartness of the rhubarb). Dot the top of everything with the 4 Tbsp of butter.
-Bake the cake for 45 to 50 minutes, or until the cake is done and the fruit is bubbly.
-Cool and enjoy!
Happy Baking!
Technorati Tags:strawberry rhubarb, recipe, kuchen, baking, strawberryrhubarbcake, cake, yummy, food, food porn
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I would be happy to be set up by whoever introduced rhubarb adn strawberry.
Hehhehheh, agreed, Brilynn! Whoever put them together is definitely a matchmaker extraordinaire! :)
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